Entering radio silence mode. I am no longer allowed to carry a phone at work. Sweetaaah!!
@jrrickard sand person? you mean moon people? waaaasaaaaaah u got any tricko treaters there?
two hearted ale goodness while watching the hangover at the arlington drafthouse
@jrrickard that’s a lot of alcohol for a beer. When does it reach the point you call it barley wine?
watching skins game at dizkodan’s. Will they win or lose? someone should carry me home, I ate too much
i wonder if I could just tell them to look at my old file since the feds already have a set of my fingerprints
I wish I knew where I put my passport last. I need to finish this paperwork so my fingerprints can be taken.
@rmcwentz hells yeahz again! I can totally take down the all time record if I starve myself prior to going there next
twenty flatliners baby!!! I shoulndt be allow to eat that many chicken wings in one sitting.