Rants Of A Lazy Mexican

09 2008

My Familia

This page is dedicated to my loving family.  I am not quite sure as to how this is going to evolve, hell I haven’t even thought of a proper lay out for it.  What I do know about this page is that I want to have pictures and updates about those around me that make my life a bit more bearable, and less dull, on a daily basis.  It sounds stupid- and to think that I used to laugh about things like this when I was younger- but sometimes just thinking of them makes my day better.  Do not expect to see many pictures of me here, this is not the right forum for them, please see above for clarification.

For those of you that cannot comprehend the Español, you may view a loose translation of what I’ve just posted in the following lines.  This format will be followed from this point forth.  I said loosely translated because I am lazy-see the page title for crying out loud- and there will be times in which I will not feel in the mood to properly interpret what I have just written.  Yes, I said interpret, because interpreting is a much more involved and tedious work than just translating.  Likewise, there will times in which I’ll feel like saying something to my Spanish-speaking peeps that I do not feel like disclosing,more like I don’t feel like translating, for those non Spanish-speaking folks.  Move along, nothing to see.

Esta pagina esta dedicada a mi querida familia.  La verdad es que no se realmente todavia como va a dar a luz esta pagina, si ni siquiera todavia se su organizacion.  Lo que si tengo en mente es que esta pagina tendra fotos y noticias de aquellos a los que quiero mucho, y que de una forma u otra, hacen que mi vida sea un poco menos aburrida y sea mas agradable.  Aunque esto suene un poco cursi, como se dice en la jerga peruana por lo menos, o un poco stupido-por lo menos eso es lo que yo pensaba cuando era mas joven- aveces en solo pensar en ellos me levanta el animo.  Lo ultimo que voy a decir en esta introduccion, mas que todo para aclarar, es que esta pagina en rara oportunidad va a tener fotos mias, este no es el lugar para ellas.  Disfruten a su propio riesgo

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