Rants Of A Lazy Mexican

20  04 2008

Ipod whaaaat?…and metaphysical musings…not really…just thinking out loud.

Who would’ve thought that transferring 4300+ songs will take over an hour? Certainly not I!! I decided to synch my newest Ipod-Thank again Punque- and I walked away to make me some breakfast. I came back into the room and I decided to look at the transfer rates and I was delightfully surprise that I was getting between 50 to 57 rather than my usual 20 to 25 through usb (those that use anapod know what I am talking about) and then I looked at the remaining time and it read 80 minutes remaining hah!

I just marinated some chicken that I will have to wait to cook until tomorrow afternoon since it is raining still outside.

Morning star meal starters are the awesome!!! I think back at those days when I used to proclaim that you’d never catch me eating, purposely anyways, vegetarian because it just wasn’t right; however there is not a week that goes I do not at least enjoy something vegetarian and/or I purchase it at the grocery store. I’ve not changed that much, I have simply opened my world to new alternatives. It makes me wonder how many other things I’ve not tried, thought of, played with, and/or enjoyed because I was too young to give it a chance, a second thought and it makes me laugh. I used to be so sure on my believes, convictions, etc I took them as a Christian would take the bible, a Muslin takes the Quran, as Jewish take the Torah, it was an infallible truth and if you didn’t agree/liked it then you could go and F–k yourself…Hah the joys of being so young and inexperienced…and to an extent stupid. My boy dizkodan and I sometimes speak about these things, we laugh about it for the most part. Sure, we often agree, that teenagers do that because of their need to rebel, their need to become their own person, find their calling in life, or simply because it is a lot more fun to piss people off at that age -I don’t know about that one, I still enjoy pissing people off occasionally if they deserve it- yet there is still the lingering feeling that because of that, I might’ve missed so much. Then again, there are days that I am just simply happy to wake up and realize that I am capable to get out of bed without any help.

I guess I should do laundry eh? I really don’t want to, and truth be told, I have enough clothes to last me for another week or two without having to do laundry. Oh well, back to the drawing board.

Who wants to go to the gym with me for 4 hours today?

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