Rants Of A Lazy Mexican

20  08 2005

Attention Maria Chilidog

Dear Maria: As you know, I am now in Peru. I know your grandma would like me to see if I can get a hold of some seeds for her. Please let me know what sort of thing she is looking for, muchas gracias. I am gonna go and get drunker now.

7 Responses to “Attention Maria Chilidog”

  1. have fun in da motherland yo!

  2. dood, what about my fucking pancho?
    i know they’re only like 25 american cents.

  3. No such thing as a pancho yo, unless you want me to bring you some dirty, greasy peruvian named pancho!!!!.
    I didnt think of buying you a poncho, I was going to get you something for you house…like another cock and stuff, or some weird doll and stuff hehehe. okay me go to get drunk again. I came home from the club at 9am this morning, we stayed until the place closed for the night-morning-yeah hehehe. Fooooooooooood

  4. ok, your idea sounds better.
    tho maybe a guy named poncho would be good to clean my house and shit.
    make sure he has no dreams of the american way, so he’ll never try to take off and make something of himself.
    ok, so now i have my heart set on a peruvian rooster.
    bring it, or die.
    i’ll pay you back, even…just find something good for my collection!!!!!!

    i need more info about clubs there…also, please tell me your taking pictures of the club go-ers.
    if not, get to it before you come home.

  5. This is what maria’s grandmother said:

    “This is what I can think of now: ollucos, caiguas, guanábana, pacae, coquitos Panamá, cerezas, ajíes de diferentes clases (panca, girasol, rocoto), lúcuma, and any other seeds that he can get. Tell him I also need a good recipe for alfajores and for the dough para las empanadas de carne. Maybe he can ask some of his relatives if they can get the recipe to make the Elena cake. Is a cake in the shape of a basket and the top is decorated with fruits and flours, all made of merengue. The cake looks beautiful.”

  6. Yo, when do you get back, I forgot.

  7. I´ll be back in august 31…uhmm maybe not, if I cant register for classes at all, I am thinking about staying until my money runs out…so that wouldnt be for another two more weeks or maybe just one more week.

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