Me contaron las malas lenguas
Parece que una de mis queridas primas, queridas porque tengo tantas primas que hay un monton que no quiero ;), ha salido embarazada. La felicitaria pero conociendola lo unico que me ganaria el atreverme hacer eso seria un lapo en la mitra, asi que solamente lo menciono aqui y se acabo.
Todavia se va ver si es que esto fue un “Se me chispoteo” o un muy bien planificiado y ejecutado tiroteo. Sea como sea espero que el futuro bebe venga al mundo con buena salud.
Que todo les vaya bien por Suiza, tu sabes a quien me refiero.
Rumor has it that one of my dear cousins is pregnant. This would be the time and place for me to congratulate her; however, Iam afraid that if I were to do that the only thing I’d get in return would be her throwing the closest thing, within arm-reach, and aiming for my head….so I’ll just casually mention it here and get on with my life.
Although I know that she was toying witht he idea of having a kid, I am not sure if this pregnancy is the result of a well executed plan and/or if this was a welcome accident. Whatever it may be, I hope for the baby to come into this world with good health.
Shall great things come your way in that land we call Switzerland….yeah you know who I am talking. about,
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