I just finished my third martini of the night. I am ready for another one, yet I dont even feel like making another batch of them. I want to smoke a cigaretten but I dont feel like going outside, I dont smoke indoors cuz it makes my place smell like poo. Damn it, I wish I had some lunesta!! then I could sleep.
truer words have never been spoken. ever since my lunesta prescription ran out in like… april, it’s been so hard to get to sleep. last night i woke up at around 5 and couldn’t get back to sleep for almost an hour. and i have nightmares all the fucking time. lunesta blissfully swept then all away. mix that with xanax and i was almost human for a while there. of course… the after taste of lunesta could only be described as a mouthful of bitter, but i would totally put up with that right now just for some sleep…
I have lunesta. it gives me a crap taste in my mouth the next day. I hate that. Ambien is the shit. I loooves me some ambien. I wanna try thst stuff that makes you dream about Abe Lincoln, groundhogs and divermen. Whew!