Rants Of A Lazy Mexican

28  08 2007

Holy Shit

Third class for the week done and I havent gotten sick of school already, this has to be some kinda record 🙂 I am gonna go outside and read a book on child development cuz its nice out… or at least it was earlier today. Two more class to go for the day…. I wonder if there is a blood drive going on somewhere in school cuz I can use some free cookies and diet coke.

5 Responses to “Holy Shit”

  1. i don’t think they give diet coke at blood drives… it wouldn’t get your blood sugar up.

    please note that i resisted the urge to say you should try a zoo, where they will have more of your kind.

    oh wait… i guess i didn’t resist it. whatever. at least i waited to say it.

  2. keep it up, school is what you make of it.

  3. he’s been making a lot of it for the past 13 years!

  4. HE LIVES!!

  5. Fucka Joo!!!

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