Rants Of A Lazy Mexican

11  01 2006

People and how they behave around me

Please, do yourself a fucking favor, do not greet me with a smile on your face when I damm well know that up to recently you would’ve loved to fucking kill me with your own bare hands. I love how you can sit there and act the part, I love how you can sit there and act as if nothing is wrong, yet I know that deep down inside I am on your shit list, and somehow I am trapped in this room that is packed to the rim with people that you have deemed as undesirable and that humanity can do well without them.
I can see right through all the bullshit, thank you very much, I dont want it. Perhaps I should let you in a bit into my mind and tell you exactly just what I know you think about me, but I am far too lazy and it is really not fucking important and it never was.
I should really not continue in this fashion, really.

8 Responses to “People and how they behave around me”

  1. preach on, brother.
    will i see you this weekend?

  2. How could anyone ever not like you?!? And I’m being totally serious here – you’re like the most easy going person I’ve met – this person must be insane or an asshole.

  3. Is this person an idiot? Seriously. It’s entirely too easy to love you! Speaking of which, I miss your face!

  4. ?

  5. yah, likewise. I shall see you tomorrow at the black cat!!!
    I am broke as shit but I’ll be there to have a drink or two hehehe

  6. you’ll never learn.

  7. mexicans love them some chili.

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