Rants Of A Lazy Mexican

03 2005

My Dad is funny

dad: hola hijo come estas?
me: bien
dad: estas comiendo bien?
me: si todo bien de acuerdo a los parametros de mi dieta
dad: has dormido bien?
me: mas o menos, pero anoche dormi mejor
dad: bueno, si vas a dormir acompañado, claro que no vas a poder dormir bwaahahaha
me: hehhee gracioso ehehehe

Yeah my dad is a cool mofo

9 Responses to “My Dad is funny”

  1. I need a translation here – mi es gringo.

  2. most of us on your friends list dont speak dirty mexican!

  3. err… i mean, gringa.

  4. Hahahahahahaha!
    Yeah. People who speak spanish DO sound funny.


  5. it’s like he wanted to remind us that he’s a spic…

    like we were going to forget?

  6. wait it’s not thursday… that would be “hispanic american”

  7. dirty 😛

  8. I disgusted with your discriminating against the other days of the week. Call Ivan a Mexican all the time… it is only right!

  9. I suppose I should’ve made two different posts and shit, but the truth is I am far too fucking lazy

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