“Plum wine is orgasm in a bottle”
I’ve heard alot of shit but nothing farther from the truth than the aformentioned statement, which leads me to believe to the following:
a) This person just doesnt know much about wine
b) This person needs to try other dessert wines
c) An expensive date and the initial infatuation with a person of the opposite sex can really warp one’s perception of reality.
I shall now come back to doing my homework bawaaahahahhwhahahhaha
nigga I will cut you
d) Said person has really crappy orgasms
I just realized where he got that from… mad propps to ivan for jumping on the mockery wagon!
Kids nowadays… the become old enough to drink and what do they do? Drink alcoholic kool-aid. sad sad sad.
Ima cut you too!
nigga bleaze.
Ima cut you too!
With what? Your extra long pink nail?
yeah, just remember that comment when you see your husband come home with a big ol’ mushroom shaped bruise on his forehead…
Then you’ll remember which of the two of us is “the butch” and which is “the bitch”
a.) I’m a beer kind of gal.
b.) done and done.
c.) *glare*
and for the extra one…
d.) *no comment*
Well… I think we’ve known the answer to that question for a long loooooooong time now… bitch.
hmmm…maybe I should redirect my gay comments.
I’ve held the title of local “Girl Drink Drunk” since 98 (as given to my by vivisectandrew)… nothing shocking or new about that…
Noted. Perhaps I’ll buy you a nice cosmo when I meet ya 😉
Sounds good to me.
I thought you title was MR $300