Rants Of A Lazy Mexican

21  01 2004


Why is it that sometimes people just seem to purposely want to piss me off
me: I’d like to see if proffessor sullivan is available this afternoon
dick at adj office: uhmm why yes he will be in the office from 5 pm until 6pm
me: I’d like to make an appointment please.
dick: we cannot make appointments in such short notice.
me: okay, now would you at least be kind enough to tell me if he is booked for today?
dick: uhmm it doesnt look like he is booked, his open hours are open.
me: so even though his open hours are open I cannot make an appointment?
dick: yeah.
FUUUUUCK YOU!!! Goddamm hippies, I hate you all.

2 Responses to “82”

  1. 10 bucks says when you go there it’s gonna be booked.

    Hippies suck ass.

  2. i really hope you said as much. lately nova people in so called higher positions have decided to be asshole jerk fuckers.

    i say this cause everything lately has been an ordeal. fuckers won’t let me graduate even though i finished all my damn classes in august.
    moral of the story? apply to graduate way before the deadline and check, like, a million times to make sure they didn’t fuck up. cause they will.

    ain’t i just a bowl of sunshine?!

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