Rants Of A Lazy Mexican

07 2003


fuck shit fuck fuckity fuck
Why the fuck does it seem that I go through a new monitor every fucking 10 months or so
arrgghh oh well I’ll just have to buy a used monitor again… anyone has a used 17 or 19 inch monitor to sell for cheap?

4 Responses to “15″??”

  1. How do you do that? I’ve had the same two monitors for years now… the apple one is from 2000 and the hp from 2001… I would hazzard a guess and suggest possibly replacing your power strip…

  2. Or the fact that you seem to always buy them used…how long do you expect them to last?? Hehehe…

  3. Possibly buy a lower end new 19 or 17 monitor, check that the ones you are buying dont have uber res your computer cant and prol will never display … mag and arugia are good cheap brands for this sort of shiznizt.

  4. I have a shitty 15″ that sucks. You can have it for FREE
    We are going to Heaven & Hell tonight.
    What are you doing??

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