Rants Of A Lazy Mexican

26  12 2002


when: Saturday 28th at 8 pm ( I figure since we ar such slacker everyon will start showing up at 9pm)
where: My house.

same deal as my last party, ssp will be djing the night away and I will have have snacks and
some alcohol for everyone. If you aint been to my hizzou let me know so I can give you directions

6 Responses to “Party”

  1. way to sling that ingrish there, ivan

  2. somthing is wrong my E ky yo

  3. we may have a potential party conflict

  4. We have a definate party conflict. That sux0rz.

  5. uhmm no we dont… I’ll have more free alcohol at my party … and more free snacks!!!!

  6. so who wants to come to my place and help load up my car for me?

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