Rants Of A Lazy Mexican

25  06 2002

Hellz Muthafucking Yeah

Just like to share with the world that I have succesfully developed my first roll of film at home and provided I am not a lazy fuck I should be making prints from the confort (or as much confort as the bathroom is going to offer) of my own home. Yes I somehow managed to figure out a way to develop my pictures at home without having the need to go to school and/or ask someone with a darkroom to be kind enough to let me use it.
I got good negatives out of this one roll, I was surprised because I didnt know how they were going to turn out since a) I left the undeveloped roll of film sitting in my car this past sunday and monday (heat is horrible for the emultion) b) this is the first time I tried push processing and since it was more or less an experiment I didnt know if I was going to get anything out of this roll of film c) I wasnt quite sure if I had mixed the chemicals well enough although I had followed all the instructions correctly, however I didnt have any oranges to help me weight the chemicals so I kinda had to guess hehehehe.
FAGMO, let me tell you, those pictures you have of your car in your livejournal really dont how how fucking fucked up your car ended up after the fucking accident… I think you need to look at these negatives and be like “dammmm yo, those are some pretty good pictures” heheheh no really I think that those should be my first home made prints and if they dont turn out the way I want them I can always just discard them and get some done at protech.
Okay so yeah I just thought I share with you ppl that I am happy cause like I said previously, provided I am not such a fucking waste of a human being and decide to get off my ass I could be making prints as early as tomorrow night 🙂
black and white only tho

One Response to “Hellz Muthafucking Yeah”

  1. Go Ivan, Go Ivan…GO GO GO IVAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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