Rants Of A Lazy Mexican

27  12 2001

i love xmas!!!

I love my parents and my siblings and all my other relatives, yeah yeah so my cousin priscilla can be a fucking bitch and she thinks that she is better than everyone else in the family but what you gonna do?? there is always one person that falls under that category right??? okay so yeah I love xmas!@!!!! I’d like to send a special thank you to Maria Beer Bratwurst ( I luv joo maria 🙂 ) and my canadian friend Esme, both your xmas cards were pooptastik! 😛

2 Responses to “i love xmas!!!”

  1. i lub jooo too, eeeebun.
    you’re my favorite peruvian..well, besides my grandma 😛

  2. Awwwwwwwwww….I wuv ebun the most cuz he’s blind like me 🙂 Well…not *like* me…his eyesight is way worse..but you catch my drift!!


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